
Busy Busy Busy
Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of posting lately. Lots of stuff going on this week, bought a new house, started a new company, played golf a few times, you know the usual stuff. Not really a lot to talk about, changed my golf swing up a lot today. That's pretty much all there is to say right now, but I will leave you with some really neat video clips. Dancing Kid - I got really curious about a JC Penny commercial that I saw, and came across this video clip. Honda Commercial - This is ridiculous, its a Honda ad. It will take some time to download so be patient! http://www.snopes.com/autos/business/hondacog.asp here is an explanation.
A Quick Email from Abby
Hi everyone! Jake & I have some BIG news! (No, it's not what you think, but it's still good news...) We're moving into a new house!!! If this seems spontaneous, well, that's because it is. We weren't even really in the market for a new house, but this one just sort of fell into our laps, and we're so glad it did. Our new house is amazing -- 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 living areas, a very nice kitchen and dining room, all recently remodeled and all on a 2-acre lot in the middle of an awesome neighborhood! We're so exctied, and a little nervous -- my head is still spinning at how quickly this is all happening... We took lots of pictures of our new house yesterday, so they're up on our website (go to http://jakeabby.com and click on "pictures" at the top) if anyone is interested in seeing where we'll be living for at least the next 15-20 years. Wow, I think we're turning into real adults now! That's a very weird feeling, but I guess we had to grow up sometime, right? Ha ha! Love, Abby
We have 2 winners. Loren and Scott both got the correct answer of the 1940 model Packard. Blake is bringing me the cards to Bible Study Friday, so I'll have them for you both this weekend. Scott, I'll drop yours by. Loren how should I get yours to you? Abby and I are looking at a new house that we can't really afford tomorrow, so everyone cross your fingers for us to find a way to afford it!
Packet Loss, Golf, and Horrible Kids Oh My!
Quick nerd note, Packet Loss problem is now fixed! From HostCentric: "Our network operations technicians have found that there was a bad port on the bandwidth manager where your server was plugged in to." Didn't actually work today. By not working I mean I didn't sit down at my office and program. On the way to the office, my accountant called needing some computer help. I was there till noon but I got him all straightened out. Picked up Abby for lunch, we took Mom some chicken noodle soup because she's sick, then came home and sat around till time to play golf. Golf was a good time as always. I wasn't at the top of my game, but I did get a birdie on #9 with a 50 foot putt. Ok, I know all/most of the girls that read my blog watch The Bachelorette. Does anyone ever watch Supernanny right after it? Here's my question, to all those out there with kids are they really that hard to discipline? I mean really, I've met some of your kids and I have never seen anything remotely resembling this crazyness. And Now we're going to play a game! Whoever gets this question correct first gets a month of free rentals from Box Video Rentals. Here's today's random trivia question: What was the first make of automobile to offer air conditioning?Click "Contact" at the top to send your answers. DON'T POST YOUR ANSWERS IN THE COMMENTS!
Packet Loss
My weekend was spent laying around the house watching movies, watching Abby cook soup (Amazing Soup - Potato Soup and Chicken Noodle Soup), and fighting a battle with Packet Loss. I've been noticing a major slowdown on my webserver for about a week, but I just thought my hosting company was stiffing me on my bandwidth limits, and only giving me a part of it. Friday night I figured out it was packet loss. In the words of Tiffany when I told her what the problem was when she emailed me about how slow her pictures were and if it was her fault for having too many pictures: "that reminded me of Charlie Browns teacher...whaa whoo wwhaa whoo not your fault whoo whaa whoo waah.. " Weekend StatisticsMovies Watched: 6 (First Daughter, Pieces of April, Mr. 3000, Changing Lanes, Laws of Attraction, The Forgotten) Bowls of Soup eaten: 10-15 Batches of Soup cooked: 3 (2 Potato, 1 Chicken Noodle) Tires Changed: 0 (Abby's car has had a flat for like 4 weeks now) Dogs Fed other than Eddie: 1 (Aunt Janet was out of town Saturday, had to feed Bill) Times I Pinged my Server: Somewhere in the millions (Tracking Packet Loss) Boxes of Campfire Girl Candy Bought: 1 Massive Fires Seen: 1 (We went out driving in the country to track it down. We could see it from about 15 miles away) Trips Box Video Rental: 4 (Can anyone beat that?)
Ameriquest Mortgage Wins the Super Bowl!
(I guess the Patriots did too, but who watches the Super Bowl for the game?)
On a night with few great super bowl commercials, Ameriquest really came through with some good stuff.
So here are my top 3 commercials of the Super Bowl.
3. Kinkos with Burt Reynolds
2. Ameriquest Killing the Cat
1. Ameriquest Getting Robbed
Just so you know, about 5 minutes into the third quarter we started skipping through the game and watching the commercials! (ReplayTV is great! Thanks Tiffany!)
Welcome to Amanda!
Just wanted to give a quick shout out to Amanda, http://amandalou22.blogspot.com. The score is now Scott and Tiffany 1,000, Jake 1.
I also updated my links section finally now I have an easier way to get to all of the blogs I read!
I'm working on an RSS/XML blog reader too, its called feed on feeds. I'm rewriting a chunk of it to make it work better for me! It will be very cool, it goes and reads everyones blogs (that I tell it to) and tells me when there are new posts. Then I can read the posts right there in the program! When I get it working, I'll set up a second copy so people can see how it works!