
What's up with that lightshow?
I've had several questions asking about the three large lights in front of our couch. We are now the proud owners of a 4 foot tall by 7 foot wide TV! The three lights belong to a projector (Good guess Amanda). It is only a temporary solution, I have a new digital projector that should be here next week. There really isn't anything else exciting to say. Abby is doing very well. No we aren't going to find out the sex of the baby. No you won't change our minds. :) Guess thats enough for now, we're going back to Houston and the beach July 11. This will be our big trip, so we'll be gone probably until the 25th or so.
Busy Busy
Sorry for the lack of writing lately. As most of you probably already saw on the picture of the week a few weeks back, we traded my Jeep in on a 4runner for Abby. So now we both have new cars! Anyone who hasn't heard the news, our baby moves! We went in for another ultrasound a few weeks back, and it was amazing. The arms flew out to the side, and then the legs started kicking. It was really a neat thing to see. Spent last weekend in Houston. I had a consulting job down there last Thursday, so we went on to the beach Thursday night. Abby's aunt and uncle have an amazing new house on the beach. We are leaving again for Houston Friday morning. I have to drop off a few more things to the company I was working with down there, then its off to the beach again for a birthday party! Tiffany, did you need anything when you called last week? I couldn't understand your message. Guess thats it for now, I'm headed to the golf course. It's a rough life, but somebody's got to live it!
Old Friends, New Trucks, and Big News
Well, for anyone that hasn't heard through the usual Ada Gossip or doesn't read the news section of our site ABBY IS PREGNANT! Read more on our news pageI got a new truck on Friday, its a Red '99 Z71 Extended Cab. We still have the Jeep, sadly we had to trade in Abby's car. For anyone that didn't know, she drove a Honda Prelude. We (I) decided that she would have trouble getting in and out of that here in a few months, so we had to get rid of it. I hope she will forgive me someday! Its amazing what/who you can find on the internet. I know that JakeAbby.com is one of the more popular sites on the internet, but it still amazes me that people look for and find Abby and I. I have gotten emails from a few old friends in the past couple of weeks, and it was great to catch up.
More Running?
I have to be careful, this might become a habit! Running today was MUCH better. Of course, I havent woken up tomorrow morning with the aches and pains yet. We ran a pace that was quite a bit faster than last week which was easier on my body. Now my lungs just have to catch up! I'm still amazed that with all of the problems I've had with my knees in the past that they aren't hurting one bit. Maybe I'm just not noticing for lack of being able to breathe! Running again on Wednesday, 3 times a week. (Still golfing too, still not good though!)
Boadie if you still read this, marathons might be out for good. I ran for the first time in 6 years today. Wow. That sucked. I have a plan, and I'm going to stick to it. By the time we go to the beach in about 9 weeks, I want to be running 3 miles 3 times a week. Hopefully it will get better than it was today!
Just not interesting
Now that I have a "mystery woman" from my past reading my blog, I guess I should keep it updated a little more. As I sit and try to think of something witty and clever to say, I have just realized that I am not all that interesting! The past few weeks have been spent unpacking, running wires, pulling ivy off of the house, and just getting the house set up in general. Mom, Abby and I went to the City Friday to shop for decoration type stuff. Our house looks very girly now, but I guess that's what happens when you move into a "grown up house". I guess that is all for now! I really wish it wasn't raining outside, I want to play golf!
Oh Boy, It's Big
Wow. That is all I can say about the new house. We are all moved in (with the exception of the traditional wait until the last second possible to clean out the garage and move that stuff) and we are in for a major change. We have the world's longest hallway. I drove my Jeep into the house and set the odometer. It was 17 miles. There has been a lot of yelling across the house. In the other house a simple whisper would work from one end of the house to the other, even with the dishwasher and washing machine running. All joking aside, the new house is great. They finished up the new carpet this afternoon, and all of our new furniture should be in on Thursday. We are getting a new master bedroom set, a new guest room set, kitchen table and chairs, entertainment center, and a new HUGE sectional for the movie room. It will be like moving in all over again! Anyone that wants to see the house next week when things get a little more organized, give us a call and come on!